Charitable Gift Annuities

The Gift That Pays You Income


Higher charitable gift annuity rates now available!

Receive lifetime income for your lifesaving gift.

你可以通过特殊的礼物安排来帮助我们改善和拯救生命,在你帮助别人的同时,你也能从中受益. 慈善礼物年金是最受欢迎和最简单的捐赠机会之一,它将为你的礼物支付终身收入.

与美国心脏协会建立一个慈善礼物年金,可以让你在今天提供一份礼物,并让你放心,你将在你的一生中获得可靠的收入. There are many ways to fund a charitable gift annuity, including from your IRA assets if you meet the age requirements. 取决于你如何资助你的捐赠,你也可以有资格获得各种各样的税收优惠.

After making lifetime payments to you, 剩下的资金将捐给美国心脏协会,以支持我们的救生任务. 这是一种明智的纳税方式,可以增加你一生中的财务安全,并对未来的心脏健康产生重大影响.


  • Receive fixed payments for life for one or two people in exchange for your gift.
  • 收到的一部分收入可能是免税的,并提供当前所得税减免.
  • 您可以使用您的个人退休账户中合格的最低分配来免税资助赠予年金, which could lower your income tax liability.
  • 如果投资于增值证券,你可以降低或推迟资本利得税.
  • 你可以推迟付款,直到晚些时候,比如当你退休的时候.
  • 现在是否有一份对你有益并支持我们拯救生命使命的礼物.

How It Works

  1. Donate.
    • 转移现金、证券或其他资产,如个人退休账户(IRA)的资金.

  2. Receive fixed income payments.
    • 在你的一生或两个受益人的一生中,以保证的利率获得固定付款.
    • 该比率取决于受益人的年龄,通常高于股息, CDs, or savings accounts offer.
    • 部分收入可能是免税的,你也可能有资格获得慈善税收减免.

  3. Make a significant impact.
    • When the beneficiary(ies) lifetime(s) end, 剩下的年金将捐给美国心脏协会,以支持我们的救生任务.

Diagram showing 1. Gift of Assets from you. 2. Fixed Income/Potential Income Tax Deduction back to you. 3. Balance Transfers to AHA.

An Example from an American Heart Association Donor

认识一下安妮塔,学习如何在帮助提供更多生命宝贵时刻的同时,获得利益和尊重所爱的人. 安妮塔通过特殊安排慷慨地支持美国心脏协会,为她提供税收优惠和收入回报.

Deferred Gift Annuity

就像一个标准的慈善礼物年金,你可以支持我们对抗心脏病和中风, secure your future finances, receive an immediate tax deduction, and receive fixed income payments for life. 但是,有了递延礼物年金,你在以后的某个特定日期开始收到固定的付款. 推迟付款到较晚的日期可以让你从更高的回报率中受益,你推迟付款的沙巴足球体育平台越长,回报率就越高.

Resources to Help You Make Your Gift

Calculate Your Benefits


Achieve Your Goals

了解更多有关向美国心脏协会捐款时将获得的财务和税收优惠的信息. 完成一个简短的表格,并收到一个个性化的插图,向您展示如何实现您的财务和慈善目标.

The Legacy IRA Act

The Legacy IRA Act, as part of the SECURE Act 2.0 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, which passed in December 2023, creates new charitable gift planning opportunities for donors starting at age 70½.

《沙巴体育平台点击进入》扩大了合格慈善分配的定义,包括创造终身收入礼物的某些分配, 特别是慈善捐赠年金(CGA)和慈善剩余信托(CRT).

The bill allows IRA owners to make a one-time distribution of up to $50,000 for a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust. Although it is not limited to a single gift, 它必须在一年内完成,并且在IRA所有者的一生中只能完成一次.

Donor Spotlight: Bill and Lois Keagan

Although Bill Keagan and his sister, Lois, live in Las Vegas, 他们不愿意拿自己一生的积蓄去冒险. The siblings, who are more like best friends, have no natural heirs and they knew they needed to figure out a game plan. 在卖掉他们在其他州的房子并从他们拥有的许多股票中获得丰厚回报之后, giving some of that money to charities felt like a logical choice. At the bowling alley Bill frequents weekly, his buddies asked why him and Lois were giving their money away. “We have the greatest faith in charities,” Bill said. “Why not give while we are alive and can see the impact we are making,” said Bill.

The siblings have given to many nonprofits over the years, 但美国心脏协会是迄今为止第一个也是唯一一个通过慈善捐赠年金(CGA)来支持的协会。, a gift that provides fixed life-long income to individuals. As adults, 比尔和露易丝直接经历了心脏病,因为他们的父亲多次心脏病发作和中风,最终在睡梦中心脏病发作去世. It was Lois who first began giving to the American Heart Association, feeling a natural connection to the mission, eventually getting Bill involved as well. 他们的支持主要是通过现金捐赠,直到比尔决定兑现他持有的几个股票账户来创建他们的CGAs. “我们不再按预算办事了,”比尔谈到他们现在从CGAs那里收到的款项时说. “We don’t have to worry as much about inflation, we live a comfortable lifestyle.” Thanks to the lifetime income that CGAs create, 比尔和露易丝知道他们的余生都不用担心钱的问题, 他们为自己支持的事业带来了改变,并为此感到满意.

Ready to get started?

美国心脏协会有专业人士,他们可以帮助你在你的慈善和遗产规划没有成本或义务. Contact us today at 888-227-5242 and we will be happy to help.

American Heart Association Tax Identification Number: 13-5613797